
  Lingonberry organic foodstuff.co.ltd
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Sell: Lingonberry Red(sales22 at lgberry dot com dot cn)
Date: 2009-10-23
Cas#: 1
Quantity: 10000Kilogram
Term: 90
Note: Active ingredient:茫鈧偓Anthocyanidins
content:茫鈧偓[15% 25% ]
detection method:茫鈧偓UV
Lingonberries natural cyaniding extracts are extracted by advanced supercritical extraction technology from wild lingonberries origin of Daxinganling Region in China .The content of anthocyanin, up to25% in this product, can be used widely in health food and pharmaceutical field. This product has been exported to Japan.Korea,USA etc.
packaging:cardboard drums, with double aseptic food poly bags inside. Or by cartons, with vacual aseptic food poly bags inside, 20kgs per carton with 8 bags inside,2.5kg per bag.
Shanghai Danfan Network Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.